Wednesday, 9 March 2011

Wednesday March 9th

It was a difficult enough day for me today..  I was a little stressed over getting my next draft of my PhD thesis completed and I had a pain in my head all day... It's becoming a bit of a race against time to get the finished thing submitted to my examiners.  It's planned that I will be examined through a viva voce (oral examination) on May 16th... about a week or so after I return to Ireland.  My examiners should have a copy of my work by 11th April so they can have a few weeks to review it.  So time is ticking..!  My research supervisors (Niall and Seamus) are a great support to me though which makes everything that bit easier.

So I decided not to train at the dojo this evening.  I needed to keep working at my research unfortunately as I felt a little behind schedule.  I will be back in the dojo tomorrow though... I sometimes feel guilty about missing a session but I have to find a balance for the moment..  The last five weeks will be full steam ahead though with morning and evening training everyday so at least I'll finish my stay here with that high level of intensity.

I forgot to mention in the blog yesterday that we also did 100 pulsing squats (legs shoulder width apart and thighs almost horizontal) and 100 uraken's in kiba dachi with Matsue Sensei... That was in addition to what I said yesterday.. I'm sure I got the message across that it was very intensive anyway!  My cousin Kenneth's wife Orla had a baby boy this morning so it was great to hear that news from home!  My mother and father will arrive here on Monday morning and will stay for about 12 days.  They will "live my life" in Tokyo with me for the first few days and we will head off on the Shinkansen's to Hirsohima and Kyoto for six nights as well.  So I'm looking forward to their visit.    

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