I'm glad to say that I slept very well last night! My brother told me to try out some motor imagery exercises and whatever I did... I think it worked! I don't remember much after doing about five yokogeri kekomi's (broken down and really slow) on my right side! Research day again today and making progress... slowly but surely! It's really cool how the blogger can provide me with statistics on how many people are viewing my blog etc. Since I started blogging regularly in the beginning of February the blog has been viewed almost 3,000 times...! Ireland wins the majority and the U.K. is in close pursuit but I am amazed to see people viewing it from places like Ukraine, Germany, India, U.S.A., Morocco... just to name a few! This is pretty amazing for me that people are taking such an interest in it. I have seen on some websites such as James' blog on "Rhinoceros in the Dojo" and Bradford JKS website that people are linking to the blog and providing me with words of support.. Thank you to all of these people!
This evening I met with Scott Sensei's friend Nick in Shimbashi and we went to a Yakatori restaurant under the tracks of Shimbashi station... It's a really small famous place, literally on the side of the street, packed mostly with "salarymen". So we ate some chicken, pork and beef (I think) on the sticks and also some drinks! Some people were eating raw liver...! From there we went to an Izakaya which is basically an drinking and eating establishment and we had some more food which was this time deep fried and covered with breadcrumbs... It was all very nice and the tummy was full at this stage. We ended up going to Shibuya and had a couple of drinks in another establishment before heading to Nicks apartment where we had... TEA :) Nick showed me a very funny video of some karate dojo doing "KATA" to the Rocky movie theme... and we also looked at some cool photographs from a recent trip he and his girlfriend had to South Africa! Got the Yamanote train back to Nippori and it's just after midnight now... The train was absolutely packed all the way back... Friday night is a hectic night in Tokyo for drinking and eating! More research to be done again tomorrow moring and looking forward to training in the dojo tomorrow evening.. more than likely it will be with Nagaki Sensei and Makita Sensei
you should read "The Tibetan Book of Living & Dying" - dont worry not at all as morbid as it sounds - but talks about meditation quite a bit.....and its a nice, interesting and different type of read. for days you're feeling off!