Didn't train this morning. Yesterday, I slept for two hours after morning training in order to recharge my batteries before the two hour evening session. I need to start back into revising my PhD research and at the moment it would all be a bit too much for me. I went for a walk early in the morning. I couldn't help thinking to myself.. "what am I actually doing here.."! Well... number 1 is that I want to improve my karate by training everyday in arguably the best place on the planet.... number 2 Tokyo provides a fresh environment for me to tie up a few loose ends in my PhD research. Before I came to Japan I submitted a draft thesis to my research supervisors and I now have about 5 weeks to get back to them again with a revised version.
Felt good going to training at around 5.15pm. Arrived at the dojo where Inada Sensei and Matsue Sensei were teaching the junior class. For a long time it was looking as if it would only be myself training from 6-7pm, however a young purple belt turned up at around 5.55pm. So I was the senior, and it was my first time giving the calls as we lined up for class. Inada Sensei taught the 6-7pm class. First of all he brought out two chairs. Two of us sat on the chairs while he did dips in between. Then it was my turn. 15 times by 3 rounds so it wasn't too bad! The young junior did sets of three repetitions. Inada Sensei then brought out a third chair on which we placed our feet and did more dips.
Next up we did some mae-geri and I was sweating a bit at this stage. Inada Sensei was standing beside me and at one stage my standing foot gave underneath me slightly... He went to the front entrance and brought in two wobble boards. He wanted to help me improve my balance. Standing with both feet on the wobble board we did mae-geri with feet together. This was so difficult as I tend to tense up my upper body and don't keep my knee bent enough. We then did gyaku-zuki from zenkutsu-dachi with each foot on a wobble board. This was a bit easier and it was becoming very obvious that all I needed to do was relax!! Easier said than done! We also did some punches from kiba-dachi and some lunges stepping forward on to the wobble board.
Was feeling the pressure at this stage... sweat was really rolling! Inada Sensei went to the bathroom and brought myself and the other young lad two cups of water each.... I was so happy and I thanked him... "Arigato Gozaimusta"... but the good feeling inside me was shattered when he said that we weren't to drink them but hold them while we do mae-geri! So off I went to my sweaty patch of the floor and proceeded to do mae-geri from zenkutsu-dachi. Inada Sensei was standing beside me and trying to get me to relax my upper body... I was getting into the swing of it and starting to feel relaxed... Some water was splashing out.. concentrating to keep my standing leg bent as well.... and then.... with one count left... BANG! I was on my arse on the floor with water everywhere!! I got up as quick as I could... Said "Summimasen" (excuse me... I'm sorry) and Inada Sensei replied "No problem"! I went straight over and got some towels to dry up the floor. I was soaked with sweat and water!! I think we all saw a funny side to it as well though!
We finished the class with Tekki Shodan... There were a couple of things that Inada Sensei pointed out to me. There has been a recent revision to the kata where one brings the knee up before Uchi-Uke. This is now done with an almost straight leg... Both ways are okay but both Inada Sensei and Makita Sensei explained that the latter is better! Also as I step across into Koso-dachi I need to keep my travelling foot perpendicular to the direction of movement... Great class... Even though I felt like a fool at times.. Bowed out and I did pretty okay with my first rendition of the Dojo Kun!
Had a ten minute break between the 6-7 and 7-8 classes. There were only two of us for this class as well. A senior black belt and myself. Matsue Sensei took the class. Almost all tube training. Was good to get into this tonight as I know Kanayama Sensei does a lot of it as well. We did different combinations. Mostly punching from kiba dachi and reversing it for the hikite or pullback hand. Three punches - one count. 30 times and three sets. We did the same for mae-geri. Matsue Sensei pointed out that I need to concentrate on my hiki-ashi or pull back of my leg. We also practiced stepping forward and backward in zenkutsu dachi... shomen and hamni with punches and gedan-barai. We spent the last ten minutes of class practicing Tekki Nidan. This was good to do and Matsue Sensei's attention to detail is admirable.
Overall, tonight's training was extremely enjoyable but intense and difficult as usual! Lots of things to work on but that's why I'm here! Will spend a few hours tomorrow at my research and will train again tomorrow evening for two hours
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