Didn't sleep great last night. My muscles all over my body were pretty sore and tired after last nights training with Kanayama Sensei and Yamaguchi Sensei. Got some research done during morning and afternoon. I'm going to really have to put my head down into it for the next few weeks now before Mam and Dad come to visit.
Felt tired in myself going to training. It has been strange week since the group left for home. Intensive training everyday, trying to create some sort of routine for myself, missing home at times and making new friends... but all in all it has been a very enjoyable week!
Kagawa Sensei and Matsue Sensei were teaching the 5-6pm class when I arrived at the dojo. Kagawa Sensei looked as if he was carrying a knee injury as he was often crouched over rubbing it. Matsue Sensei started off the 6-7pm lesson. We did a lot of kicking and punching techniques from kiba-dachi and shifting the weight left and right into zenkutsu-dachi. We also did the foot up technique from tekki-shodan..left and right concentraing on using snapping hip action. Kagawa Sesnsei pointed out to me that I should try and be quieter as I return my foot to the floor. We also did 30 yoko-geri kekomi's left and right from kiba-dachi... hicki-ashi important. Legs were feeling pretty tired at this stage.
Kagawa Sensei took the black belts for the last 15 minutes. We did kanku-dai. I really enjoyed this. Lots of things to work on. Kagawa Sensei stressed the importance of the downward fist strike after the mae-geris... keeping your elbow close to the ear. Lots of other little important technical points but it's hard to describe them in writing! Also, the finish (yame) is very particular in terms of the body motion and this was also explained.
I made a decision at the end of this class.. I was feeling really tired.. It has been a hard week so I finished up at 7pm. Everybody else from the 6-7pm finished at this time too so I didn't feel so bad! Got back to apartment and learned of the plane accident at Cork airport.. Tomorrow is a national holiday so there is no training. There is a group of us meeting at 4pm and we're heading to a public bath and then out for some pizza. So looking forward to that! If I feel good I might train for 4 hours on Saturday.
I think I was right about the injury to Kagawa Sensei. He didn't do hardly any of the techniques when we were practicing kanku-dai. It made me think that it must be a constant concern for international instructors to remain injury free. I have noticed Kagawa Sensei is always keeping in shape whether he is working with tubes, weights or his sumo type leg lifts. When these instructors teach on international courses everybody expects them to be able to do the impossible all the time.. This must be difficult for them!
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