Monday, 28 February 2011

Monday February 28th

Wow... The end of February and March 1st tomorrow.  People here in Tokyo are speaking about the blooming of the cherry blossom "sakura" which will happen towards the end of March or early April and only lasts for a few days!  I was stiff and sore when I woke up this morning.. I think that Thai massage yesterday may have been a bit severe..!  Got a good bit of work done on my research thesis today so I was happy with that.  Monday seems to be a quiet enough day around Nippori... A good few of the shops and restaurants stay closed all day.  It was a pretty bad day here weatherwise... Cold, rain and wind... not very pleasant!  Spoke with my uncle Francis in Chiacgo this morning and got filled in on all the action there!

Went to the dojo at the usual time for 6pm training.  No sign of Kagawa Sensei at the dojo and it was Nagaki Sensei and Kai Sensei who were teaching.  They both appeared a little tired tonight but I think there was a Teikyo University party held over the weekend so that might explain that!  Nagaki Sensei took the class from 6-7pm.  About 8 people training.  Like Monday night two weeks previously we did all kata during this lesson.  All of the Hiean kata, Tekki Shodan and all of the Junro kata.  If I'm honest if feel that I have a lot of little errors taken out of my Hiean kata's over the past couple of weeks.  You'd be surprised how many subtle changes I have made but it's important to realise that I hadn't really been doing techniques "incorrectly" previously.  Matsue Sensei explained to me at the post-competition party a couple of weeks ago that he understands people in different JKS dojo's around the world have little differences in their katas... He said that these "differences" are not incorrect but the JKS Hombu Dojo like their students to do kata in a specific way and he said that he hopes other people will follow this way but he realises that it is almost impossible to achieve this.

Nagaki Sensei pointed out that my execution of yokogeri kekomi in Junro Godan is not totally correct and that I really need to squeeze my stomach muscles and lift my knee up close to my chest before extending my kicking leg..  I tend to be a bit loose in this particular movement.  So I need to work on this!  It was great to go through all the Junro's several times and Nagaki Sensei was always willing to answer any questions that I had.  I'm not afraid to ask questions because I hate not being sure about certain elements and I'll be back in Ireland come May!  For example in Junro Yondan I wasn't sure about the combined gedan barai and kagae zuki in kiba dachi early in the kata.  I needed to know if this was kagae zuki or gyakuzuki... I had forgotten and I Nagaki Sensei hadn't performed the movement.  Answer = kagae zuki (similar to Tekki Shodan)... Also the last two punches for the kata... I wasn't sure if the oi zuki - gyakuzuki was hamne/shomen... or shomen/shomen... Answer = hamne/shomen!  We also did Tokui kata.. Once again I did Gojushiho Sho... Nagaki Sensei pointed out a couple of little improvements that I need to make.

Kai Sensei took the second class.  Seven of us training and I was the only person who continued from the 6-7pm class.  We practiced a lot of oi-komi up and down the dojo... Focusing on the compression and expansion of the back leg with different types of foot movements using both zuki and geri... Kai Sensei pointed out to me that I need to relax more in my shoulders and extend my punches more with shoulder snap.  We also did some kumite for about 15 minutes.. Jodan, chudan and geri... Everybody in a line and attacking one person... We then progressed to jiyu kumite.. again attacking the person at the top of the line... Kai Sensei acted as referee and would say who got the score each time.. This was very good training and it was a challenge having to deal with people of different grades and physical size.  The atmosphere in the dojo is always a little different when Kagawa Sensei isn't there.  Even though the training tonight was very hard, I think everybody including Nagaki Sensei and Kai Sensei were a little more at ease.  One of the students told me one time that he finds training under Kagawa Sensei the hardest.. solely because of how "great" Kagawa Sensei is and his stature within the karate world.

Had my dinner as usual in Jonathan's in Sugamo before getting the train back to Nippori.  Spoke with Christina and my father on Skype.  I have hotels booked in Hiroshima and Kyoto for when my parents visit.  I'm lucky I did this yesterday because when I checked today, the hotels were booked out.  There is a holiday period in Japan during their visit.  Up early again tomorrow morning to crack on with my thesis.  Hopefully I won't feel as stiff after my massage tomorrow!     

Sunday, 27 February 2011

Sunday February 27th

Sunday, a day of rest!  When I got up this morning I carried out my usual routine of watching the Nine O'Clock Irish news (from the previous night) online as I ate my breakfast.  Wrote some emails, looked over some of my research and at around 11am I decided that I deserved a little luxury... So I hit off for Spa La Qua in the Tokyo Dome (Kasuga) area of the city.  I took my PhD thesis, a guidebook for Japan and my iPod with me.  This spa is noted as being Tokyo's most sophisticated bathing complexes and uses real onsen water pumped from 1700m underground.  So I enjoyed some time between the different baths of varying tempertaures, steamrooms, jacuzzi's and plungepools.  I also had a Thai massage for an hour (expensive but I think I deserved it!) and I spent the remainder of my time in the healing baden area where I slept, read and listened to my music as I looked out over Tokyo as day turned to night! 

Spoke with my parents, my aunt Christina and uncle Pat when I got back to my apartment.  It's always great to hear from home and Skype is a great job!  In terms of my week ahead... I'm really looking forward to getting stuck in in the dojo again this week.  I'm feeling fresh again after the weekend..  My research is going okay.. Feeling happier in myself about it.. This time two weeks I will hopefully have it wrapped up and emailed to both Niall and Seamus (my research supervisors) for them to review.  When you are near the end of a PhD you go through this process several times... Refining and more refining!  But I think/hope I'm nearly there.

I'm anxious to correct this little timing error which Yagi Sensei pointed out to me.  I know its very minor but I always had an idea that it was there as I feel that my gyaku-zuki zuki on one side is a little bit more natural/smoother than the other.  So I'm sure there will be plenty of opportunities to practice this in front of the mirrors in the Hombu Dojo during the week!  Everyday over the past three weeks I do about 45 minutes of stretching in my apartment, particularly focusing on the inside of my thighs/groin area.  I know that it is benefiting me in terms of my flexibilty and my kicking but it is a slow process!  So looking forward to a good hard week of training and hopefully a little bit more improvement!

Saturday, 26 February 2011

Friday February 26th & Saturday February 27th

Yesterday, I travelled to Akirano-shi to visit the Sobajima family.  I stayed with this family for a home-stay during my first visit to Japan in the summer of 2009.  I arranged to meet Yasuyuki (the father) at the police box at the front of Sugamo JR station at 17.30pm.  As I was waiting at the police box, Makita Sensei passed and when he saw me he stopped and asked me if I was going training.  For a split second I didn't recognise him because he was wearing one of those surgical type masks which Japanese people commonly wear if they have allergies etc.  Anyway, I explained to Makita Sensei that I wouldn't be going to the dojo as I was going to Akirano-shi and training at Yagi Sensei dojo in the morning.

Yasuyuki was maybe two minutes late and he felt very bad about this.. typical Japanese attitude where they like everything to be "perfect"!  We travelled by train to Akirano-shi... About a 2 hour journey... It was Friday evening rush hour so we were standing for most of it!  When we arrived at the family home I showered (in Japan you wash a lot!) and then we had shabu-shabu (Japanese "hotpot") and different types of raw fish for dinner.  So the family's grandparents live with them as well.  They are aged 80+ and it was interesting to see how they live with the "younger" family and they just do their own thing!  I remember Scott Sensei telling me that Japanese people typically take out a mortgage that is paid off over maybe 3/4 generations... So this is why the grandparents are living with the family I guess... It was probably their homeplace initially.

I didn't sleep too well Friday night to be honest..  Tossed and turned all night on the futon!  Up at 7.30am for breakfast and then Yasuyuki, Kotoro (16 years old) and I cycled to Yagi Sensei's dojo for training at 9am... Cycling through the village on a bike that was way too small for me was great fun!  We were first to arrive at the dojo and I said "o-hi-sa-shi-buri-des" (good to see you again) to Yagi Sensei.  There were around 12 people training.  Training was a little less intensive than the Hombu Dojo so this was welcome!  We did lots of kihon and Yagi Sensei took particular interest in a slight timing error that I have when I do gyaku-zuki from zenkutsu-dachi on my right side... My punching hand seems to finish a split second after my hip engages into shomen..  This is something I need to look at but it was great that Yagi Sensei took interest in this.  Like the Hombu Dojo instructors, he has a very sharp eye for detail.  We did a lot of kicking techniques with an outstretched elastic band across the dojo, in addition to all Hiean kata and some kihon ippon kumite.

One very interesting story from training... Yagi Sensei has several A4 laminated posters of different Hombu Dojo Instructors such as Nagaki Sensei, Nihei Sensei etc... These are all former/current world champions with very famous reputations.  One of the training drills that we did was for our partner to hold these posters and we had to do different punching and kicking techniques.. Hitting the picture of Nagaki Sensei everytime!  This was very strange for me but funny at the same time as I see and train with Nagaki Sensei for example in the Hombu Dojo all the time!  The kids loved it though and were really smacking the posters!  We finished the session with lots of leg strengthening and abdominal strengthening exercises. 

After training I gave Yagi Sensei a chocolate gift set.. Good old reliable "Ginza Cozy Corner" chocolates!  Yasuyuki told me after training that it was more intensive than normal.. becuase I was training!  For the remainder of the day we did some sight seeing around the local area.. We visited a place where there were "Ume" (plum) trees in full bloom, we visited the house and museum of Yoshikawa Eiji (a famous Japanese writer) and we also went to this really strange place to do some "fishing"!  And we also went to a small local restaurant for Ramen (Japanese noodle dish) in between!  We were all very tired when we got back to Akirano-shi.

When I was leaving the family I was sure that Yasuyuki was going to drive me to the train station so that I could get the train/s back to Nippori.  However, as we drove near the train station Yasuyuki told me that he would like to drive me back to Nippori!  I was really surprised and told him that he did not need to do that but he insisted!  So I was able to sit back and enjoy the journey by road back to Nippori and see lots of different sights along the way.  Got back to Nippori at 6pm!

So it was a very enjoyable 24 hours..  Making friends with people like the Sobajima family is a very special experience as they treat me so well when I am visiting them.. It is almost embarassing how generous they are with everything.  Of course I gave them a gift as a "thank you" but I think the best thing that you can give them in return is to "go with the flow" while you are there!  Day of rest tomorrow... Research, some sightseeing and maybe a visit to an onsen maybe!

Thursday, 24 February 2011

Thursday February 24th

When I had a "bad" day about three weeks ago, Alan Sensei sent me a message and told me to "dig deep".  Well, today I had to "dig deep"...  When I went to bed last night I had a dose of the shivers, my stomach was upset and I had the whole toilet works thing going on... I felt really tired, cold and my muscles hurt when I woke up this morning... I wasn't sure whether I was sick or just really tired after the three sessions that I completed yesterday morning and evening... I only realised during the day how hard I trained yesterday and I possibly pushed myself a little too far... Maybe this was why I had the shivers etc. when I was in bed.  I felt so bad during the morning that I had as good as decided to not train this evening... I wanted to go to the dojo though... and I thought to myself that I might just observe... Anyway, I ate and drank as much as I could during the day, did some research, went down to the local park for an hour and also rested... Come 4.30pm I was feeling better in myself and I decided to pack my dogi... Afterall, it was Kagawa Sensei and Yamaguchi Sensei who would be teaching tonight.... So I thought that even if I just train for one hour it would be okay...

When I arrived at the dojo, Yamaguchi Sensei was teaching the 5-6pm kids class.  In contrast to yesterday this class was really relaxed and all the kids seemed to be having a lot of fun with Yamaguchi Sensei.  I often wonder about the kids who train at the Hombu Dojo... Some of them constantly have a terrified look about them, others just keep smiling nervously at the Sensei's while others look totally at ease and really seem to enjoy what they are doing.  I think all of the Sensei's possess "parent like" attributes where they can push the kids to their limits and even give them a smack with the "shinai" (wooden stick) but they also appear to have a caring side to them.  I'm still trying to figure this whole thing out and realise what makes the Sensei's so "special"!

Kagawa Sensei took the 6-7pm class.  There were only 7 of us training in this class.  Started off with kihon... shizentai and then moving into zenkutsu-dachi.  Kagawa Sensei and Yamaguchi Sensei went around to all of us as we were doing gyaku-zuki and they pulled our pullback elbow from inside out to make sure we had stability in our technique.  I think commonly people will push their students elbows from outside to inside to make sure that they are pulled in and thus creating this compression.  It was interesting to see how the Sensei's were pulling from the inside... But obviously in order for this to work, one has to have their elbow pulled in behind anyway.  We then did some leg strengthening exercises for mae-geri working on both the back and front of the thighs followed by kicking drills involving all the basic kicks.  One of the most difficult for me was mawashi-geri then using the snap of the hiki-ashi (pullback leg) to perform ushiro-geri.  My first time ever trying this combination and I think I did well... Kagawa Sensei was stressing the importance of using the hiki-ashi and snapping action of the hips to engage the body into a position to perform ushiro-geri.  We completed the class with kumite... First of all one side only attacking, zuki, then geri and then combinations... The defending side had to be flexible in their upper body, and as the attacks were coming in we had to move both sideways and almost into the attack at the same time...  I was doing this with Yamaguchi Sensei... This was great... both of us were really relaxed and I felt comfortable that I could attack him with speed... All the time being aware that he could blast me out of it with one punch or kick!  At the end of the class I was pretty wrecked but I decided to stay on for the next hour... You find yourself building up this close loyalty towards the Sensei's and it is difficult to leave.. Even though most people do leave after completing just the one session!  Kagawa Sensei came up to me as the newcomers were warming up for the 7-8pm class and he was asking me how long I was staying for etc..  Out of all the Sensei's, Kagawa Sensei is the one that I have had least contact with because he seems to be away quite a bit with other teaching committments I guess. 

Yamaguchi Sensei took the 7-8pm class.  There were only 5 of us training.  All female except myself!  Yamaguchi Sensei called me to partner him straight away and we did pad work for about 30 minutes... Practicing kihon - gyakuzuki, maegeri and mawashigeri and then progressing to kumite with favourite waza.  I tried really hard and I was a bit nervous partnering Yamaguchi Sensei for this.  Everytime he would do mawashi-geri jodan I would hold the pad near my head and it was a struggle to absorb the impact of his kick without almost knocking myself out with my own hand as it rattled against the side of my head with the impact!  I was really tired doing these kicks and found myself struggling for the last ten.. but I must admit that Ymaguchi Sensei appeared to find the going a little tough also!  He brought over a towel so I could wipe the sweat from the floor that we were both generating!  Kagawa Sensei intervened at one stage and corrected one of the girls for not snapping her hips into mawashi-geri as she was performing it.  So Yamguchi Sensei got us to practice the initial movement of the technique in front o fthe mirrors and then we practiced mawashi-geri off the back leg on the pads again... Especially focusing on this snapping feeling... It was gratifying to hear Yamaguchi Sensei saying "oss... nice" on a couple of occasions! 

Kagawa Sensei took over the rest of the class after this and we did some light jiyu kumite.. again I was with Yamaguchi Sensei and then we practiced all Heian kata, Tekki Shodan and our Tokui kata (favourite kata).  I was feeling pretty tired doing all of these katas and was just thinking relax, deep stances and fully extend everything.  I did Gojushiho Sho again as my tokui kata.  Kagawa Sensei pointed out a couple of timing things that I need to improve on in the kata.

Was totally wrecked when class finished... Dogi (karate suit) was once again drenched in sweat but I felt great at the same time... especially considering how I felt all day... So I did "dig deep" and I was really satisfied with myself!  I told Yamaguchi Sensei after class about my plans to go to Akirano-Shi tomorrow and train with Yagi Sensei on Saturday.  He seemed happy to hear this and told me to "take care".  As usual I stopped at Jonathan's for my dinner.. I must admit that I was so tired that it was almost a struggle to eat the big chunk of beef and the ice-cream desert that I ordered... Was glad to get back to the apartment and get into the shower!          

Wednesday, 23 February 2011

Wednesday February 23rd

I meant to give an update on the guy who had to be taken away to hospital after training with Matsue Sensei last week.  I asked Matsue Sensei about this at the post-competition party and he said that he was given oxygen at the hospital and that he was treated for exhaustion.  So that was good news.  I haven't seen him back at the dojo since.

So I was up this morning around 8.30am... Had my breakfast and watched the news from Ireland before heading for morning training which was at 10.30am.  When I arrived at the dojo Matsue Sensei and Kai Sensei were there.  Matsue Sensei was surprised to see me after I told him last night that it was hard for me to come to morning training because of my research commitments..!  Inada Sensei came in then and he seemed equally surprised but I think he was glad to see me there!  There were only two of us training... Myself and Taka-san who came to the competition on Sunday and who was on the wrong end of a "beating" from me on Saturday.  Inada Sensei made a big deal of giving the gift that I gave him for Kai Sensei to him.  Kai Sensei thanked me straight away.  As we were warming up with Kai Sensei, Yamaguchi Sensei arrived at the dojo and he came over to me and said "otsu-kara-same-deshita for the competition"... this means well done for your hard work at the competition.  This was nice to hear and I replied "arigato gozaimsu-ta"!

So Inada Sensei taught both Taka-san and I.  We did some kihon from zenkutsu-dachi at the start and then some ido-kihon up and down the dojo.  Inada Sensei quickly got Taka and myself to use a towel under both feet for practicing oi-zuki up and down the dojo floor.  Unlike Nagaki Sensei (who got us to use dry towels) a few weeks ago, Inada Sensei made us use wet towels... This was great training and Inada Sensei told me before we started that this would be good for making sure that I don't pull my front leg back by lifting my toes... Like I explained in yesterdays blog.  We then progressed to doing Heian Shodan with the towels.. First of all slowly and then fast to the count.  I couldn't help but think of how Scott Sensei teaches this when he makes us perform all movements to the extreme... preparation and hip turns almost exaggerated..  This really comes to life and has meaning when using the towels.  I felt that I did this training pretty well...

After this Inada Sensei got Taka and I to put on our kumite mitts.  We did our favourite waza (technique) first and then practiced attacking and defending jodan punch.  Inada Sensei made sure we were separated far enough at the beginning of each technique and stressed the importance of realising when somebody has come inside a "safe distance".  We then did about 8 minutes of jiyu kumite (free sparring).  Taka seems to come flying in at the very beginning... Very strong punches and kicks... Unfortunately for him this didn't last too long...  With Inada Sensei watching both of us, I really let him have it again today...  Kicked and punched him around the place and he really wasn't able to defend.  He kept retreating into the corner...  I just grabbed him by the dogi (karate uniform) everytime he did this and pulled/threw him out of the corner...  Inada Sensei appeared to be getting a real kick out of it all... but I got to a stage where I just wanted it to stop.  Taka was absolutely wrecked at this stage... couldn't hold his hands up and he couldn't stand straight... Inada Sensei was still telling me to keep at him... But eventually he called "yame" (stop) and I patted Taka on the head and made sure he was okay... He's a really good lad and the Sensei's seem to have particularly good time for him.  He's the same age as myself (28) and he is in his 4th year of medical school.

Even though the training with Inada Sensei was very intensive... he paused a couple of times and told Taka and I a couple of stories... One of these was that he recently went to Russia to teach a course.  When he arrived in Moscow he had to travel 36 hours straight by train to his destination.  He explained that he had a bed and that he read lots of books during this time.  He also asked Taka to translate for him as he asked me several questions about my study.  All the Sensei's seem interested in what I'm researching... I have a draft of my thesis with me so I think I might bring it into Inada Sensei someday and just show him briefly what I'm working on... I'll get Taka to translate!  When training finished it was interesting to see all the instructors doing different tasks around the dojo... Kagawa Sensei and Nagaki Sensei didn't seem to be around... It was very obvious that Hidioshi Sensei (Kagawa Sensei's son) is the junior there... He was just warming up for instructors training on his own while the rest of the Sensei's were together in the office area doing their jobs.

When I got back to my apartment I must have been eating (intermittently) for about an hour...  Trying to get as many calories into me before training later in the evening.  Slept for about an hour and went out around Nippori for an hour and watched the leaders debate for the general election which is taking place in Ireland on Friday.  Didn't complete much research which is not good, considering I want to be finished with it in nearly two weeks...

Went to Sugamo for evening training.  I arrived at the dojo at the usual time of 5.30pm.  Yamaguchi Sensei and Kanayama Sensei had the 5-6pm class split.  Yamaguchi Sensei was teaching the higher grade kids...  It seemed to me that Yamaguchi Sensei was in bad form and he was drilling the kids while training extremely hard with them... It was different to see this "tension" in the kids class but great to see it!  One thing that I notice about all the Sensei's is that no matter of grade or age... they always make sure that everybody does every technique to the correct standard.  One might think that they might give the beginner kids some slack but this doesn't happen... Everything must be done correctly with correct form... Drill it into them from a young age and it will pay off I guess!

Today's blog is getting rather long so I'll just summarise the 6-7 and 7-8pm classes...  Hard.. very very hard!  Kanayama Sensei taught the first hour and Yamaguchi the second hour.  We did lots and lots of slow kicks with Kanayama Sensei... The hardest for me was mawashi-geri off the back leg broken down to the count and returning to the start position everytime... Mawashi-geri was done subsequent to doing mae-geri and yoko-geri in the same manner!  I do feel that my kicks are getting better though.  I imagine that this class was really intensive for most of the people there (who "only" train 2/3 times per week).  There were two kids in the class.. about 12/13 and Kanayama Sensei did appear to give out to them on a couple of occasions... I don't really know why and I din't take much notice until I realised that the two of them were sobbing crying while they were doing the techniques... I think it may have been because they weren't trying hard enough.  Kanayama Sensei pointed to me and a couple of others and our sweaty heads!  In fairness to Kanayama Sensei he made sure that they were okay after this and told them to get a tissue and blow their noses etc.!!  We finished the class with gohon kumite.. The floor was extremely slippery and lots of people had major trouble slipping..!

Mostly newcomers for the 7-8pm class.  Yamaguchi Sensei taught..  We did a lot of switching left and right leg forward in zenkutsu-dachi with gyaku-zuki and mae-geri.. We then did a technique that involved three different blocks and counter attacks for oi-zuki jodan and chudan... Importance of moving to the sides and shifting weight back when blocking and forward when countering with gyaku-zuki.  We then practiced with a partner... It was good training and I was feeling sharp!  We finished with kata.. Yamaguchi Sensei taught a kata and unfortunately I do not know the name of it...!  I forgot to ask after class but I will find out at the dojo tomorrow!  We did tokui kata as well and I did Gojushiho-sho... It felt much better than at the competition on Sunday!  I was so hot and sweaty at this stage that I could see the steam rising off my outstretched hands and I could feel the sweat travel along my arm as I punched and could literally see it shoot out form under my dogi as I completed my punches...! 

Was glad to have done the three sessions today... but I have to be honest with myself... I really can't afford to be missing days at my research as I want to have it wrapped in two weeks... So I will not train tomorrow morning... I'll do the two hours tomorrow evening and then I'll do the morning training Friday morning before I head to Akirano-shi Friday evening... It was also great to meet Hisashi at the dojo.  He's Japanese and is living in Edinburgh for the last few years.. He returns to Edinburgh tomorrow... I think he found the training pretty hard but it was good to see him training for the two hours this evening!  Wow... this has been a long post!  Off to leaba now!               

Tuesday, 22 February 2011

Tuesday February 22nd

It was on this date one month ago that I arrived in Japan...!  The weather is starting to warm up here slightly in Tokyo.  It was about 13/14 degrees today and it is expected to get up to 18 degrees on Friday.  So this is a nice change and a sign that spring is fully here!  Went to Ginza Cozy Corner today to get another two boxes of chocolates for Inada Sensei and Kai Sensei.  I must confess that I bought two boxes yesterday but I ate one last night with my tea!  So I prepared two boxes of chocolates for Inada Sensei and one box for Kai Sensei.  I'll explain something about Kai Sensei next week maybe... I think it may be a little secret at the moment!

Was at the dojo at 5.30pm for 6pm training.  Inada Sensei and Matsue Sensei were teaching.  While I was stretching Inada Sensei came over to me (smiling and nodding) and asked me if I would do some more of the dips with the chairs that we did a couple of weeks ago.. Of course I said "oss" while bowing and smiling as well!  There were only three of us in the 6-7pm class... myself and two young purple belts.  Inada Sensei increased the number of reps and sets this week so we (Inada Sensei and I) did sets of 30 while the kids did sets of 10.  I was powering on with these and it felt much easier this week compared to a couple of weeks ago.  Inada Sensei came over to me when we were finished the "chairs dips" and asked if I would go to morning trainings.  I indicated that I have lots of study to do with my research in the mornings... He said "oss" and that he understands but.. I have a different feeling now.  Yes, I'm busy with my research and this is most important... But, I feel this sense of loyalty towards the Sensei's... and the fact that Inada Sensei has mentioned it to me I think I should start... I didn't intend to take up morning training for another 2/3 weeks.

The remainder of Inada Sensei's class involved kihon and ido-kihon.  As I was doing the ido-kihon and stepping backwards Inada Sensei pointed out to me that as I'm pulling my front leg backwards (initial movement) that I tend to lift my toes and drag my heel slightly... I should be keeping my foot flat and I need to work on this.  We did Junro Nidan and finished the class with some jiyu kumite.  Inada Sensei and I took turns sparring with the two kids... They were wrecked when we were finished with them!  Inada Sensei didn't do kumite with me... I guess this will wait for morning training!

Matsue Sensei took the second class.  There were only three of us in this class as well.  The two kids finished up and two senior male black belts joined in.  One of these who is Haga-san (the guy who gave me the sushi for Setsuban) said to me when we finished that first class that my delivery of the "Dojo Kun" is improving everytime he hears me.  This was nice to hear!  The Dojo Kun (training hall rules) is composed of 5 sentences that are said aloud at the end of every class.  As the senior grade in the 6-7pm it is my responsibility to say this out loud.

Matsue Sensei's class was very enjoyable.  He went through almost all kata that are required for SanDan.  He explained that as a SanDan (third degree blackbelt) that it is important to know how to break each kata down using proper counts.  So we practiced this.  Everybody taking turns at counting through each kata.  I thought that this was brilliant training and really focused me to think about timing for each kata.  Matsue Sensei was in very relaxed form and he was willing us all to ask him any questions we wanted.  For those of you who are interested... the "higher" kata we practiced were Bassai Dai, Jion, Empi, Kanku-Dai, Jitte, Hangetsu, Gankaku, Tekki Nidan and Tekki Sandan.  Great training and lots of little points learned.

After training I gave Inada Sensei his gift and I also gave him Kai Sensei's gift as well.  I gave them both an envelope with a note inside in which I thanked them for bringing me to the tournament etc. on Sunday.  I wrote these letters in Kanji (with the help of Google Translate!)... They took quite a while to do... but it's nice to make the effort!  Will do an hour of research early in the morning and I'll then head to morning training for 10.30am.  So I'm climbing to the next level tomorrow.... morning and evening training every day!  Off to bed now!         

Monday, 21 February 2011

Monday February 21st

After contacting family and friends at home, it was almost 2am by the time I got to bed last night...  I had been up almost 24 hours so I was wrecked!  Had a sleep in this morning for a bit and I was still tired when I got up.  So I decided that I would take a break today from training.  As usual it's going to be a hard week of training again this week and I think its important to have that day of rest!

Shortly, I will come to a crossroads in my career and I will have some pretty big decisions... I may go to the U.S.A. to do post-doctoral research, go teaching at second level in Ireland or maybe see what opportunities arise in third level in the U.K. or maybe even Australia...  Over the last three years I have built up relationships with people in all of these places who have told me to contact them when I'm almost finished my PhD.  So today I spent time updating some stuff and I contacted one of the leading people in the world in graphics education at Purdue University to let him know that I'll be available shortly... all going well!  I'll leave all the options open anyway.

I want to clarify something from yesterday's blog... I said something along the lines of that I was a little nervous of getting injured in kumite which could prematurely end my stay here in Tokyo... I was speaking to my Aunt (Christina) on Skype earlier and she thought that I was saying that if I injure somebody that I would be deported from Japan!  So for those of you who thought the same... I meant that if I got injured myself!  Although let me say that even though the kumite at yesterdays competition was fast and furious... Nobody was injured all day and I didn't see the medics on the floor once all day... Although, saying that I do recall seeing the guy who won the male senior kumite, checking his teeth after the final and it appeared that he had a loose tooth... He was missing his two front teeth (central incisors) before the start of the tournament!!

I meant to say in yesterdays blog why I was nervous at the competition... Hardly nobody there knew me so there was no real expectations... But for me I was nervous because the Sensei's from the dojo were there officiating... Yamaguchi Sensei and Kai Sensei were judging in the area where I was competing and I just had a feeling about me that I didn't want to let them down... But I tried hard (probably too hard because I ended up feeling a little stiff in the shoulders etc.!) and I also tried to make sure that I did every single thing like the Japanese... treating everything and everybody with the highest respect.  I think they appreciate this.

Looking forward to training tomorrow.  Inada Sensei should be teaching.  I will get him a gift (box of chocolates or something) tomorrow morning to thank him for inviting me to the competition and for making sure that I was looked after all day.  I'll get Kai Sensei something as well because he did the driving! 


Sunday February 20th

Up at 4:40am!  Had a restless few hours sleep... Was nervous about possibly sleeping in and missing my arrangements for the tournament!  Internet still down this morning... Disaster!  Tried ringing home from a public phone booth as I was walking down to Nippori station but had no joy dialling through.  Got the Yamanote line train from Nippori to Shinjuku where I met Taka-san at 5.55am.  From there we travelled by train to meet the Sensei's near Teikyo University.  Kai Sensei was driving Inada Sensei's Landcruiser and we were joined by Makita Sensei and Matsue Sensei also.  I realised pretty quickly that today was going to be a great experience for me... travelling to a regional competition with these Sensei's who are respected so highly and are so famous within karate circles in Japan and as well as that I was representing the JKS Hombu Dojo!

When we arrived at the venue I helped out with getting the venue set up... some heaters and tables etc. had to be brought in.  I was more than happy to help out.  This tournament was a championships for the Kanto area of Japan.  I was the only westerner who was competing so I was probably the topic of a lot of conversation... I guess it's like having a Japanese competing in the Munster Senior Hurling Championship!!  It was a long day... Competition started at 9.30am and finished at 5pm.. three areas were in use and as a whole the competition was run very smoothly. 

I was nervous but I guess I did okay!  There were 10 people in my categories for senior kata and kumite.  The kata section was ran as a straight final... So we had to do a tokui (choice) kata.  Considering I only found out about the competition a few hours earlier I hadn't much time to get into the zone but I performed Gojushiho-sho as I had practiced this in the dojo last night.  I only felt that I did okay... felt a bit nervous and stiff in my shoulders and early on in the kata I felt that the hiki-ashi in my mae-geri was sluggish... Anyway, I was scored above average... 8.1's and 8.2's... Score of 8.5's won the category and I came 5th out of the ten competitors...  So this was good I guess but still I felt that I could have done it better.  In kumite, I was beaten in the first round (2 scores against 1) by the guy who came second.  Didn't feel comfortable really and if I'm honest I was conscious of not getting injured...  I didn't want to end up breaking a jaw or something and have to get on the next plane home to Ireland... Some of the competitors in this section were senior high school and Teikyo students...  The nearest things to "animals" with lots of missing teeth!  I really admire these people for their dedication to karate and they are so good because they train so much and so hard...  Karate in number 1 in their life... school and education comes is number 2.  This is just the way it is.

While the competition was taking place I met some of the family who Scott Sensei and I stayed with while we were on home stay at Yagi Sensei's.  Their son came second in his kumite section.  Yagi Sensei arrived a little late and he noticed me straight away and came over to me...  I made sure I bowed and I said "Oh-hi-sa-shi-buri-des Sensei!" which basically means "good to see you again Senei!"...  He shook my hand and said that he looks forward to seeing me in Akirano-shi and his dojo next weekend...  So this is a story I haven't wrote about... In 2009 when I first cam eto Japan I stayed with a host family in Akirano-shi which is where Yagi Sensei's dojo is.  This family have very kindly invited me to spend next Friday night with them and train at Yagi Sensei's dojo on Saturday.  Obviously they had told Yagi Sensei about this and that is why he mentioned it to me.  Yagi Sensei is a sempai (senior) of Kagawa Sensei and he was at the top table all day today.  It was great to see how Yamaguchi Sensei and all the other Sensei's treated him with so much respect. 

I received two certificates with my name in Kanji for competing on the day... This was very nice.  When I received my certificate for the kumite (later section) I noticed that my name was written with pencil, whereas my name on the kata certificate was written with ink, but I didn't take any notice.  As I was packing up my gear one of the Japanese ladies came over to me and explained that they would like to change the certificate so that my name was written in ink... So she took my certificate and said that they would post the proper on to the Hombu Dojo for me.  This just sums up the Japanese for me.... Such honest and generous people who like things done right always.

After the competition myself and Taka were invited to go along to a private party with all the Sensei's.  This was a very special occasion with lots of Japanese food and drink (alcohol!.... Asahai Beer and Sweet potatoe shochu!).  The Sensei's were very nice to me, making sure that I had plenty to eat and drink at all times and they were always asking me questions about myself..  I'm trying to think of the Sensei who is the chief instructor for that area... he's a very nice and generous man... "Mira" Sensei I think maybe... I must find out!  Also Sato Sensei was there and other Sensei's from the region.  It was just a great evening and something special for me to be invited into this company and to be treated so well. 

On the way back to Tokyo, the Sensei's asked myself and Tako if we would like to go for more drinks and food with them but we politely declined... it was a long day and I was looking forward to getting to bed!  So we listened to Inada Sensei's Eric Clapton album for the rest of the journey and said goodbye at Teikyo university area.  When the  Sensei's were driving away I made sure that I said goodbye by standing beside the jeep and bowing a few times as they left..  Was glad to get back to the apartment, find out that the internet was working again and I was able to reconnect with my family and friends in the Western world!  A great day!

Sunday, 20 February 2011

Saturday February 19th

Didn’t sleep well last night… It was 11pm when I got to bed and it must have been 2:30am by the time I slept!  This resulted in me deciding not to go to the morning training session.  The internet has been down in the place where I’m staying all day which is a bit of a nuisance… therefore I’m writing this off line!
So I went to the dojo for 4pm training and I was expecting Nagaki Sensei and Maikita Sensei to be teaching but when I arrived I found out that it was Inada Sensei who was at the dojo.  Saturday training is usually a very mixed ability class with a few kids and tends to be a little bit easier going… Not today!  Inada Sensei drilled us hard…  Kihon drills up and down the dojo for about 25 minutes… Inada Sensei had the shinai (wooden stick) out and he wasn’t afraid to hit people with it if they weren’t doing the techniques properly..!  It seemed to me that Inada Sensei was on some sort of a mission or something this evening…  We also did our “tokui kata” (choice kata) – four rounds… I did Gojushiho-sho today… Felt good… Long kata though!
After a quick water break we put on our kumite mitts and Inada Sensei said that we would have three minute long rounds of jiyu kumite (free sparring/fighting).  I paired off with one of the senior brown belts first.  I gradually warmed into it and was feeling pretty sharp and was trying out a few of the techniques that Kanayama Sensei taught last night…  I particularly like pulling my front leg back to the center and releasing my other leg with mae-geri as an attack is coming in… Difficult to do but when you get the timing right it certainly feels good!  After this three minute round, Inada Sensei invited me down beside him and told me to spar with the young blackbelt (Yu) that I spoke about in yesterdays blog…  Yu is a excellent, sharp young lad but unfortunately for him he got me on a good day and I wasn’t going to hold back in front of Inada Sensei…  I brought him to the floor on one occasion and Inada Sensei called “yame” (stop) after I timed a perfect one of those mae-geri techniques (described earlier)… Yu was pretty winded after it and I made sure that I asked him if he was okay… 
After this round Inada Sensei invited one of the purple belts down to spar with me in front of him… Tako-san is his name… a young 4th year medical student but a pretty strong fighter… He was trying his best to come at me but I just sussed him out for about the first 30 seconds… After this I let fly into him and unfortunately for the guy he just wasn’t able for it… He would periodically try to defend with some wild punches but I was very much on top of him and I was conscious not to slack off as Inada Sensei was glued to the two of us…  It got to the stage where this guy was struggling to block me and I was just hoping that Inada Sensei would call a halt to it… I looked at him and he signalled that I had to keep going… So I continued to literally “beat” him around the place… 20 seconds later I looked at Inada Sensei and again he signalled with his fist to the floor… So I swept the guy down to the floor and “finished” him with a couple of punches… That was the end of the fight… I felt sorry for this guy… I didn’t want it to finish like that… I then had one more three minute round with one of the purple belt kids…  This was my recovery period…
After the kumite finished up Inada Sensei called me over with Tako-san…  Basically Inada Sensei asked me if I would like to go to a championships tomorrow… It is the Kanto prefecture championships… I was shocked but immediately said “yes” (I’ll write about why I responded like this on another day)… Tako-san translated and explained that he would meet me at Sinjuku station tomorrow morning and from there we will travel to meet Inada Sensei and then we will drive to the championships… So I’m a little bit in the dark about more details… It all happened so quick… I now have an idea why Inada Sensei drilled us so hard… 
So it was a bit of a rush to get back to Nippori for Angelo and Michiko’s party at 6pm.  This was a very nice occasion which took place at a Swiss restaurant (about a 3 minute walk from where I’m staying).   There were a lot of people there from the dojo – regular members in addition to Ishimine Sesnei, Yamaguchi Sensei, Inada Sensei and Kai Sensei.  Lots of nice food and drinks and plenty of chats with everybody!  Michiko was wearing a very nice “kimono” (traditional Japanese type of dress).  There was a guy there playing traditional Swiss music which was pretty special!  Overall it was a very enjoyable evening and great to be able to socialise with the karate people outside of the dojo!
I’m a bit anxious now about the competition tomorrow.  Early start… Up at 4.45am!  Hope I can sleep!       

Friday, 18 February 2011

Friday February 18th

Yesterday I noticed that there was a water leak in my apartment and it got progressively worse last night with the end result that I had to move to a different apartment bright and early this morning..  This wasn't a problem really and I like the new apartment... it's much brighter and a bit more spacious I think.  This building where the apartments are is pretty old... like a lot of buildings in Tokyo actually! But it's situated in a really nice neighbourhood and it only takes me 20 minutes for me to travel from the door of my to the dojo.

I only trained for one hour this evening.. This was for two reasons..  I want to get to bed earlier tonight as I'm having a little bit of trouble getting to sleep at night and I'm also going to train tomorrow for three hours.. 2 hours in the morning and 1 hour in the evening before Angelo and Michiko's wedding party which is on at 6pm.  That's the plan anyway.. I might be cutting it tight with the party if I train from 4-5pm.. We'll see!

Kanayama Sensei and Makita Sensei were in the dojo tonight.  Kanayama Sensei taught the 6-7pm class and there were only five of us training.  After a high tempo warm-up with Kanayama Sensei which involved a lot of bouncing and squatting, we did a quite a few kumite (fighting) based training drills..  Practicing timing when changing between stances.. gyaku-zuki, kizami zuki and also a couple of very nice techniques involving mae-geri... The main focus was on the timing elemnet and commiting to techniques.  We finished off the class with kata.. Jion and Gojushiho-Dai.. Kanayama Sensei and Makita Sensei took us individually in turns and they analysed their kata and gave us feedback... I felt good in myself doing the kata and Makita Sensei pointed out a couple of things to me in relation to expanding my preparation and execution of manji-kamai in Jion.  It was a very nice class and both Sensei's appeared in very good form... A bit of a "Friday Feeling" I think!

I just want to write a little bit on gaijin (foreigners) coming to the dojo.  Michiko (who I often write about) started training as a beginner at the Hombu Dojo when she started University in Tokyo.  I asked her once if she realised straight away how important the dojo she selected was.. She said that she quickly realised it when she saw foreign people travelling from all over the world to train there for a week or so at a time and how much they were in awe of the place and the instructors..  She also mentioned to me that when foreigners visit that it energises the regular members and motivates them to train harder.. A typical example is one of the kids in the dojo... I'm not sure of his name but he seems to train 3/4 days a week.. about 15 or 16 years old and his karate is excellent.. world kata champion in his category in Okinawa 2007... I was training with him tonight doing the kumite drills and just attacking oi-zuki while he was either doing a punching or kicking technique in defence...  Kanayama Sensei was keeping a close eye on the two of us and as I was feeling pretty good in myself with no excessive pools of sweat under my feet...! I constantly let fly into him with oi-zuki.. all with good control of course...  But he was not able to deal with the pace of my attack or the distance I was able to close him down in... Realising he was struggling somewhat Kanayama Sensei was encouraging him to lift his knee up higher and to commit to his counter attack on me etc..  He got a little bit better but it was obviously a good learning experience for him and I know from my observations of him within the dojo that he will be keen to improve after this experience.  So I think there is a mutual benefit for both gaijin (foreigners) and Japanese to train together in the Hombu Dojo... So it's probably a good thing to change the variables!

Every evening I make sure that I arrive at the dojo around 30 mins before training.  I do this for two reasons.. I don't want to be late and I like observing the different Sensei's as they teach the 5-6pm kids classes..  These observations that I make while I'm stretching while waiting for the 6pm class and the observations I make of the differerent instructors while I'm training really fascinate me.  Okay I'm in awe of the instructors technical ability but then again I can say the same about Scott Sensei and Alan Sensei back home..  However, there is something beyond this that makes everything click and I think that all of the instructors in the Hombu Dojo possess this and that Scott Sensei and Alan Sensei possess the same thing also..  I'm not sure what that is but I know it goes a lot deeper than technical ability and knowledge...I think it takes a certain type of person to "fit in" within the JKS...  Identifying these characteristics will be one of my objectives over the next few weeks... I'm going to analsyse all the Sensei's in the dojo and I'll integrate my experiences with Scott Sensei and Alan Sensei into it as well and we'll see what I come up with..  I'll write about Kanayama Sensei on a couple of occasions next week and hopefully I'll get through all the Sensei's before I head home and we'll see what "trends" I come up with..  Actually that reminds me that I should be looking at "trends" in my PhD thesis at the moment as well... That will be done too :)     

Thursday, 17 February 2011

Thursday February 17th

Yesterday was a pretty difficult day for me as you know.. I feel a lot better in myself today and to be honest it's mainly due to the large amount of responses and messages I received from so many people since yesterday.. So, thank you everybody and I'll get back to you all soon.  You'd be surprised how a short message or a phone call gives you a boost and shows that everybody is behind you even if they are on the other side of the world!  Thanks again.

So... rather than telling you all the factual information about training this evening.. I'm going to tell a slightly different story.  Kagawa Sensei was not in the dojo again tonight for some reason, so it was Yamaguchi Sensei and Matsue Sensei who taught..  To be honest, I've got to the stage where I'm finding it hard to rate how difficult or intense training is..  Admittedly, I always feel wrecked after training but this is a good feeling!  I don't really suffer from muscle soreness the morning after training and my recovery time in between drills in the dojo is pretty quick.. So fitness is not a problem.. my major problem at this stage is the constant dripping of sweat from my chin and nose onto the dojo floor during training and the slippery conditions that this creates..! I still feel that I have a couple of gears to move up in the sharpness side though!

After Yamaguchi Sensei's class tonight from 6-7pm some people stayed on for the next class and there were also a number of "fresh" newcomers.. One guy in particular stood out to me.. It was my first time seeing him at the dojo... a brown belt.. early to mid twenties maybe and I don't mean this in a bad way but... he looked like an "ordinary" to me... probably a college student who by chance could manage to come to the dojo tonight.  So Matsue Sensei started the class and it was tough going alright... constant muscle training drills... pushups, situps, squats, other abdominal exercises with punches and kicks thrown in again... For the guy that I have mentioned this class was probably brutally hard...

As we were going through the drills we all had our turn counting from 1-10 and this guy who was training beside me kept missing his turn to count.. It was obvious at this stage that he was suffering..  Matsue Sensei appeared to make a little bit of light humour about the guy missing the count and finding the going tough..  After around 40 minutes of constant drills without a break we were invited to take a water break.  When I went into the changing room to get my water bottle, the guy that I'm referring to was thrown in a heap on the floor gasping for air... I said "otsu-kara-sama-deshita" to him (which basically means; "well done.. it was hard work") but took no more notice.  After this 1 minute break we went back on to the dojo floor for kumite (fighting).  The guy evenetually came out but it became apparent very quickly that he wasn't able to stand up or even keep his eyes open.  Matsue Sensei and Yamaguchi Sensei spotted this straight away and got him to sit down in the corner.  20 minutes later he was still in a bad way.. looked extremely uncomfortable and couldn't even sit straight.. Yamaguchi Sensei took the last part of the class and we practiced Bassai-Dai but everybody seemed to be concerned for this guy.  When class finsihed up we cleaned the dojo floor but there was a noticeable sense of shock and worry for the guy.  Yamaguchi Sensei eventually put him into a wheelchair and he was taken to the hospital.  Matsue Sensei went with him.  I hope he'll be okay. 

This just brings me to the whole point of the intensity of training at the Hombu Dojo... Okay, I train there everyday for 2-3 hours a day... This is probably extreme for the "ordinary" person but I'm here in Tokyo for this purpose only... It must be difficult for a guy like a referred to in this post, who is obviously an "ordinary" person and has another life outside of the dojo where he is either working in a specific job which he is probably very good at or he is studying in university for his chosen profession.  The profession of the Sensei's in the dojo is full-time karate.. And it is also my full-time "profession" until May...  So you probably realise at this stage that the training at the Hombu Dojo here in Tokyo is extremely intensive...  It's not to be underestimated, especially by the "ordinary" person..

Finally, I can't help but wonder if there was another Sensei teaching.. would he have spotted that this guy was in trouble at an earlier stage and told him to rest... Matsue Sensei is pretty full-on when it comes to this type of intensive training and admirably he does everything with the students and trains as hard as everyone else while he's teaching.. Then again Kanayama Sensei does the same but... he has brought a towel over to me on several occasions when he has seen that I'm training hard but that I need to wipe to wet patch that forms under my feet when I train...  for me this is something special.

Wednesday, 16 February 2011

Wednesday February 16th

Today was difficult for me...  I must admit that I was lonesome for home and that I miss my family and friends.  Even though I have met some really nice people that are really good to me since I arrived here.. it's hard to replace home!  I've heard lots of people saying that it is their dream to come to Japan and train full time for a prolonged period of time... It's damn hard let me tell you!  First of all you must integrate into the dojo as quick as possible... become familiar with the etiquette, students and sensei's... and then adapt to the intensity of the training... So far this has been enjoyable and "relatively" okay for me, thankfully.  The hardest part for me is adapting to what happens outside of the dojo.. The population of Tokyo is over 13 million people who rush around the place and the majority live for their job.  Everything is fast paced and totally different to what I'm used to in Ireland.. I'm trying to finish the last phase of my PhD thesis and I miss going out into the back lawn swinging my golf clubs or kicking a ball to re-energise my mind!  I even rang my father today and spoke about possibly coming home 3 or 4 weeks early... May 4th seemed a long way off earlier today!

Anyway... given all my emotional turbulence today... I still managed to automatically pack my dogi into my bag at 5pm to head for training at the Hombu Dojo for 6pm.  This is no problem for me... In fact I really enjoy it and never know what each session will bring..  I'm very fortunate to have no injuries whatsoever and this enables me to try as hard as I possibly can in each session that I train.

Kanayama Sensei took the 6-7pm class today.  Started off practicing oi-zuki.. concentrating on the hikite hand and keeping elbow tucked behind.  Did a lot of straight leg lifts to the front and to the side without dropping the leg and then practiced mae-geri (3 per count from hesoku-dachi) and yoko-geri kekomi slowly (40 times on each leg).  Kanayama Sensei seems to love these slow kicking exercises.  I think he's brilliant and his energy is inspiring.  All of these strengthening, punching and kicking exercises went on for a pretty long time.  We finished the class practicing Junro Shodan and then broke into teams of three and practiced it several times.  This was very different but enjoyable.  The floor was really slippery at this stage.. I was having problems at times with balance.

Yamaguchi Sensei took the 7-8pm class.  Most of the seniors who trained from 6-7pm stayed for this class and we were joined by 4 others.  We started off the class with focus pad work with a partner.. Practicing gyaku-zuki (yori-ashi), oi-zuki and mawashi-geri.  Different combinations.. difficult to keep the legs snappy as we progressed through.  My partner who only came in at 7pm was totally wrecked at this stage!  We then put on our kumite mitts and seven of us lined up attacking the person at the top of the line Jodan, Chudan, Geri and then anything (first time no defence and second time around defender needed to defend and counterattack)..  I really enjoyed this part of the class.  I must admit that I was well able to mix it with the senior members and gave them plenty of it!  But they are really good and relaxed and this helps to let go everything!  All the time Yamaguchi Sensei and Kanayama Sensei were watching on.  We finished the class with Junro Shodan (yet again) but great to get in the practice.

I never got corrected on anything tonight but this means nothing!  I think Kanayama Sensei was probably giving me a break as he knew that I had a "hard" time of it in last evenings sessions.  Yamaguchi Sensei asked me after training when I was leaving.. He said Go-gotsu (May) before I opened my mouth.. So there you go.. Mind made up and no changing flights now!  Plough on!

Tuesday, 15 February 2011

Tuesday February 15th... Muscle training versus flexibility training

Today's training was hard... very hard..!  Arrived at the dojo expecting that there would be a very small number of students training (as seems to be typical on Tuesday's for some reason) and that Inada Sensei and Matsue Sensei would be teaching.  When I opened the door of the dojo I realised that Kanayama Sensei was teaching.... "Oh no" I said to myself...!  Small amount of people training plus Kanayama Sensei suggested "muscle training"..! 

It was only Urushiro san (a Teikyo University graduate) and I who were training in the 6-7pm class.  And so the "muscle training" commenced!  Kanayama Sensei, Inada Sensei, Urushiro san and I grabbed a towel each and placed it on the dojo floor.  500 repitions of various abdominal strenthening exercises followed by around 200 pushups which were done in sets of 30, 20 and 10.  In between each set we had to keep in pushup position and literally drag ourselves down the dojo floor while keeping our feet on the towel.  Then we got 10kg dumbells and commenced with around 150 squats and 150 lunges while holding the dumbell.  Then quickly changing between left and right side zenkutsu-dachi while still holding the dumbells.  Finished the muscle training by going into kiba dachi and holding arms outstretched while quickly opening and closing fists.. different directions for arms and also different rotations.

The class concluded with Urushiro san and I practicing mae-geri in sets where we did mae-geri twice before returning leg to the ground.  We also did the same for yoko-geri.  Very very hard under the watchful eyes of both Kanayama Sensei and Inada Sensei.  Kanayama Sensei pointed out to me that I need to snap my leg back more after extending the mae-geri with hiki-ashi while Inada Sensei was concerned about stiffness in my upper body while kicking.  More about this later!

Both Urushiro san and I stayed on for the 7-8pm class and we were joined by two other students.  Inada Sensei took this class.  Practiced a version of gohon kumite but partners kept an increased distance and only acted as a target.  Jodan, chudan, mae-geri, yoko-geri and mawashi-geri.  We then did all Hiean kata's, Tekki Shodan and Bassai Dai.  Inada Senei was constantly watching me and everytime I finished he would call "DI-AR-MADO" and tell me what I need to improve on.  This was both brilliant for me to be getting this attention but hard at the same time..  People think that Hiean kata's are easy but the attention to detail of all the instructors demands perfection in each move and between each moves.  So difficult! 

At the end of class I think it clicked with Inada Sensei why I tend to be a little stiff in my upper body while kicking and why for example I break the centerline of my body (by leaning slightly forward) when pushing into yokogeri-kekomi.  My hips are not flexible enough!  How can I best describe it... If I swing my leg to the front and behind my flexibility is good but if I raise my leg to the side left and right... I am lacking flexibility... We did a couple of stretches before finishing class and I think Inada Sensei used these to diagnose me!

It's funny because this has been playing on my mind for a long time now but particularly since I came to Japan... Even today before training I spent about 45 mins in my apartment trying to work on this flexibility.  This brings me on to the whole outlook on "muscle training" which the Japanese instructors are pretty passionate about.  I weigh around 85kg.. Kicked a lot of football when I was younger... did a lot of running up hills etc... have been practicing karate since I was 10 years old and I consider my hips and legs to be pretty strong but I am not "naturally" flexible.  One thing that strikes me about the Japanese is their flexibility and their form particularly in their stances.  I know that the Japanese are probably so immersed in this "muscle training" because their bodies are different to typical westerners... they don't have the muscle mass or the same frames as we do... and I guess they are trying to bridge this gap... But for me I need to go in the opposite direction... I need to work on my flexibility and make sure that my muscle mass doesn't become so big that everything suffers..  I guess everybody needs to find their own balance..

Finally, I must say that all the instructors have been first class in their reception of me since I arrived and are so willing to correct me during class.  In particular Inada Sensei has probably been the "hardest" on me.. constantly watching me and correcting me but I really appreciate this.             

Monday, 14 February 2011

Monday February 14th

As throughout the world, it is Valentines Day here in Japan as well today.  However, it traditional for women only to give presents to men on this day.  Usually a box of chocolates!  Men return the same action to women on "White Day" which occurs on March 14th.  So there's a useless bit of information for you!

For the first time in a few weeks I felt I did some worthwhile work today on my PhD document.  I must admit that it has been damn hard to get back into the frame of mind for research.  I have a few changes/improvements to make to my thesis and I'm so near to concluding it but it's just very hard to get stuck in!  Anyway, here's hoping that this will be a good week on that front!

Went to the dojo for 6-8pm training.  Nagaki Sensei and Kai Sensei were teaching kids when I arrived.  No sign of Kagawa Sensei.. He usually teaches on Monday.  There were only four of us training in the 6-7pm class.  Nagaki Sensei took this.  Strangely we only practiced kata.  Jo-No kata, all Hiean kata, Jion and Empi.  Nagaki Sensei was correcting my technique from the off.  Not enough expansion in my arms as I prepare and turn for gedan-barai (90 degree and 180 degrees).  He also corrected the path of my uraken in Hiean Sandan.  I also tend to over rotate my blocking elbow after the "stamp downs".  This needs to be smaller and only a deflection. 

Nagaki Sensei also pointed out a few things in my Hiean Godan.  For example... after doing the empi in kiba dachi I tend to rotate my hips into shomen as I move in to a supported uchi-uke in koso-dachi.  Rather, I should stay side on.  This is something that was new to me.  I must ask Scott Sensei about it!  Also at the end of Hiean Godan I tend to go from zenkutsu-dachi (with open hands) and then into kokutsu dachi.  Nagaki Sensei pointed out that I should be on the same line - zenkutsu then pulling to kokutsu dachi.  No real problems with Jion...  In Empi I need to work on the knee up and then downwards into koso-dachi.  We also did some exercises that helped with the weight shift from kiba-dachi to kokutsu-dachi.

Kai Sensei took the 7-8pm class.  There were six people training in this.  I was the only person who stayed from the 6-7pm class.  This was a very nice relaxed class.  There was a new beginner in the class and Kai Sensei focused it towards her.  Worked on gyaku-zuki and mae-geri with a partner and a focus pad.  Did a lot of gohon kumite, jiyu ippon kumite (everybody lined up and attack one person at the top of the line) and we also did some nice relaxed jiyu kumite.  We finished the class with JoNo kata.  Even though this is a beginners kata it can become very difficult when trying to apply everything that I am being told and what I am observing!

Stretched for about 10 minutes after class.  I was the only person on the dojo floor when Nagaki Sensei was leaving and I made sure to stand at the door and bow and say arigato gozaimusta as he was leaving.  This is an important part of the dojo etiquette.  Went to Jonathan's for my dinner in Jonathans.  It was snowing pretty heavy outside after training.  Roads and foothpaths were in a bad way! 

I was thinking to myself today that I am in a very priveleged position.  I'm here in Tokyo training hard everyday at the JKS Hombu Dojo with some of the best instructors in the world, I'm taking correction, trying to apply what I'm corrected on and what I observe and hopefully I will end up improving my karate..! Simple but I'm enjoying it!          

Sunday, 13 February 2011

Sunday February 13th

Got up early this morning and got prepared for my little adventure to Ginza.  I made sure to take a subway map that Michiko gave me of the tokyo area which also includes land rail-lines and is in both English and Japanese.  Having it in both languages is very useful as a lot of the train stations only have names displayed in Kanji.  You need to check the rail maps before going on a journey in order to see what line to take and how much the fare is.

Got the JR Yamanote line from Nippori to Ueno.  I was able to use my JR rail pass card for this.  When I got to Ueno I found my way with relative ease to the Ginza line which I took as far as Ginza station.  When I came out from the station I wandered down the main shopping street which is called "Chou-dori".  There were many many high end shops on this street and it reminded me of the Magnificent Mile in Chicago!  The main road along this shopping street is closed off on Sundays to traffic and it was strange to see people sitting out on chairs in the middle of the road drinking coffee! 

I found my way into the Abercrombie and Fitch store which was pretty cool..  It is a 10 storey store with loud music, dark interior with brightly light stairways... and some pretty cute Japanese ladies who were either dancing to the music (because they were obviously told to do if they weren't folding clothes) or they willing to help you out with any questions!  Lots of really nice clothes.. but nothing you wouldn't see in any A&F store in the U.S. and there was little or no Japanese influence apart from the people.  It is an unbelieveably impressive store but I was a little disappointed... It would be cool if A&F could have exclusive clothes for the Japanese market.

I did wander into the Adidas store and I did see a lot of cool things here that were exclusive to Japan.. Runners, tracksuits etc.  Will give a shout back there someday.  I didn't realise until I got back to the apartment that there is a Sony Building in Ginza as well that stocks the latest electronic gadgets.  I'll give a call back here the next time.  I'm sure I'll bring Mam and Dad to Ginza for a few hours when they come out.

Got the trains back to Nippori.  No problems and I was happy with my "little adventure".  Once you know the line you need to get in a station and the direction of travel it is hard to get lost!  Spoke on Skype to home (my parents and Nana) and a couple of other friends in the evening time.  Will be up early tomorrow morning to work on my research.  I will train in the evening for two hours.  Kagawa Sensei, Nagaki Sensei and Kai Sensei should be teaching I think.  I trained last Monday morning with Nagaki Sensei and it was really enjoyable but research takes priority tomorrow morning I think.  Mam and Dad will be here 4 weeks tomorrow so looking forward to that!     

Saturday February 12th

Did some research in the morning and early afternoon.  Watched a bit of TV as well and read The Japan Times.  I have been following the news on TV (but am never too sure of the details as I can only understand the pictures) and it was great to be able to read about it then in the newspaper (in English of course).
Headed to the dojo for training at 4pm.  It was raining pretty heavy so I brought an umbrella with me.  Like last Saturday, Makita Sensei and Nagaki Sensei taught the lessons.  Makita Sensei took the 4-5pm class.  About 12 people training, mixture of adults and kids.  We did lots of squats for the first 15 minutes and then practiced gyaku-zuki from zenkutsu-dachi… hamne – shomen… 30 on each side.  For the last 10 counts we had to punch twice each time.  We did yoko-geri keage and kekomi from zenkutsu-dachi… 10 on each side slowly broken down to the count and then 20 kicks each side (10 keage and 10 kekomi).  When counting quick and doing so many repititions it is difficult to have full extension on the kekomi each time.. Need to work on this.
We did kihon up and down the dojo while facing a partner who was at a distance which was out of reach.  So as one side stepped forward the other stepped back as if doing a mirror image.  Makita Sensei was stressing the importance of snapping into zenkutsu-dachi and using the hiki-ashi as an impetus for this.  It was more difficult to snap back into stance when kicking say.. kizami mawashi-geri and pulling the leg back as you step back and do kizami-zuki.  Makita Sensei pointed out that I need to keep my elbow high in my preparation for soto-uke…I tend to keep my wrist higher as I bring my blocking hand behind my ear in preparation. 
We practiced Jion in this class.  In the initial double block I tend to bend my gedan-barai hand a little too much and Makita Sensei told me that I should keep it straighter.  In the three movements before the final techniques where one brings the knee up, stamps down and strikes with the forearm.. Makita Sensei pointed out to the class that this striking hand should start from a vertical preparation.
We finished the class with gohon (5 step) kumite.  This was fine although the floor was pretty slippery at this stage and it was difficult to move as quick as I would have liked.
Nagaki Sensei took the 5-6pm class.  A couple of people left and a couple of others joined in fresh.  We did a lot of exercises for the first ten minutes.  Sprints up and down the dojo, quick feet movements between tubes, squat position running etc..  Thankfully the heaters were turned off!  We practiced all the Heian kata as well as Jo-No Kata.  I meant to mention this Jo-No kata earlier.  It is a kata that I never practiced before.  Pretty simple as it is a prerequisite to Heian Shodan.  Very nice kata and incorporates oi-zuki, age-uke, soto-uke, gedan-barai, mae-geri, shuto-uke, zenkutsu-dachi, kokustsu-dachi and kiba-dachi.  So it gives a great foundation for beginners.  Nagaki Sensei allowed us to practice our tokui kata.  Following on from Makita Sensei’s lesson I practiced Jion.  We then did it three times in a row.. This was tiring enough!
We finished the class with some kumite.  First of all just staying as relaxed as possible and trying to touch your partner and trying to get inside their guard.  Nagaki Sensei then got us to put a mitt inside our obi in the front and we had to try and grab this from our partner.  Nagaki Sensei got one of the students and myself to demonstrate and I ripped the mitt out from behind his belt first!  This felt good… Oh the small pleasures!  We did a few rotations with different partners and then changed the mitt to behind (at our back-side).  We only did one rotation of this..  All good fun but with a specific purpose.  In the changing room afterwards I could here the young kids talking about the gaijin (foreigner) while looking at me and something along the lines of how I was able to rip the mitt from the people I faced.
I really like this Saturday evening training with Makita Sensei and Nagaki Sensei.  Makita Sensei appears to have a very humble side to him while his karate is exceptional and his eye for detail is amazing.  It’s hard to describe Nagaki Sensei… Angelo and I were talking about this once and he reckons that Nagaki Sensei was born for karate… I have to agree.  He has this positive, feel good factor about him and he appears to be in his element in the dojo… always smiling and also having an exceptional eye for detail.
Went to Jonathan’s for dinner, desert and the drinks bar after training.  Tomorrow is Sunday.  No training.  Must start getting into a serious routine with my research again now that I feel settled in the dojo.  I might go on a little adventure to Ginza which is a “rich” neighbourhood.  Apparently Abercrombie and Fitch have a store there so this might be interesting…  Would also like to have a look at the Japanese fashion as well.

Friday, 11 February 2011

Friday February 11th

Rested this morning for a little bit.  Today is National Foundation Day or Kenkoku Kinenbi.  On this day 660BC the first Japanese Emperor was crowned.  It is a national holiday and therefore there was no training at the dojo today.  It has been a physically tough week and I was glad of the rest.  It was snowing all day today in Tokyo with some snow staying on the ground in parts.  Big drop in temperatures since I arrived here with the group towards the end of January!

Met with Angelo and Michiko at 4pm at Kaminakazato where we went to a public bath.  This was nice and relaxing and a chance to rest the muscles!  Angelo and I noticed that there were some people in the baths with tattoo's and this was strange to see as this is not usually allowed in Japan as tattoos are associated with Yakuza (Japanese crime syndicate).

After the baths we met with Lynda (an Italian school friend of Angelo) and her friend Nami (a Japanese friend of Lynda).  Nami means seventh (Nana) and third (as in Mittsu).  I think that's right!  We went to a very nice Italian restaurant where we ate (big) pizza.  This was a nice change to sample some western type food again!  Conversation with everybody was good and it ranged from English to Italian to Japanese and even some German as well!  We all travelled home on the train together.  It was a very enjoyable evening!

I meant to write my journey to Nippori train station on Wednesday as I was going to the dojo.  Three Japanese sumo wrestlers cycled up a hill in the opposite direction to me.  They looked so big on their bicycles and were wearing their traditional yukata!  It was very strange for me and I would love to have got a photograph!

Will do some research tomorrow morning and afternoon before training tomorrow evening.  Makita Sensei and Nagaki Sensei will probably be teaching.  Considering I now have my first full week on my own finished I don't feel as anxious or nervous about going to the dojo this coming week! Time to plough on!

Thursday, 10 February 2011

Thursday February 10th

Didn't sleep great last night.  My muscles all over my body were pretty sore and tired after last nights training with Kanayama Sensei and Yamaguchi Sensei.  Got some research done during morning and afternoon.  I'm going to really have to put my head down into it for the next few weeks now before Mam and Dad come to visit.

Felt tired in myself going to training.  It has been strange week since the group left for home.  Intensive training everyday, trying to create some sort of routine for myself, missing home at times and making new friends... but all in all it has been a very enjoyable week! 

Kagawa Sensei and Matsue Sensei were teaching the 5-6pm class when I arrived at the dojo.  Kagawa Sensei looked as if he was carrying a knee injury as he was often crouched over rubbing it.  Matsue Sensei started off the 6-7pm lesson.  We did a lot of kicking and punching techniques from kiba-dachi and shifting the weight left and right into zenkutsu-dachi.  We also did the foot up technique from tekki-shodan..left and right concentraing on using snapping hip action.   Kagawa Sesnsei pointed out to me that I should try and be quieter as I return my foot to the floor.  We also did 30 yoko-geri kekomi's left and right from kiba-dachi... hicki-ashi important.  Legs were feeling pretty tired at this stage.

Kagawa Sensei took the black belts for the last 15 minutes.  We did kanku-dai.  I really enjoyed this.  Lots of things to work on.  Kagawa Sensei stressed the importance of the downward fist strike after the mae-geris... keeping your elbow close to the ear.  Lots of other little important technical points but it's hard to describe them in writing!  Also, the finish (yame) is very particular in terms of the body motion and this was also explained.

I made a decision at the end of this class.. I was feeling really tired.. It has been a hard week so I finished up at 7pm.  Everybody else from the 6-7pm finished at this time too so I didn't feel so bad!  Got back to apartment and learned of the plane accident at Cork airport..  Tomorrow is a national holiday so there is no training.  There is a group of us meeting at 4pm and we're heading to a public bath and then out for some pizza.  So looking forward to that!  If I feel good I might train for 4 hours on Saturday.

I think I was right about the injury to Kagawa Sensei.  He didn't do hardly any of the techniques when we were practicing kanku-dai.  It made me think that it must be a constant concern for international instructors to remain injury free.  I have noticed Kagawa Sensei is always keeping in shape whether he is working with tubes, weights or his sumo type leg lifts.  When these instructors teach on international courses everybody expects them to be able to do the impossible all the time.. This must be difficult for them!      


Wednesday, 9 February 2011

Wednesday 9th February

Slept okay last night.  Was hard to get to sleep initially because it was raining outside and I could here it tapping away outside.  Did some of my research during the day.  Preparing things for my revision stage over the next four weeks.  It's good to have that to distract me from my training during the day.  Was good to speak with my Mam and the lads in 113 over skype in the afternoon. 

Went to Sugamo at the usual time for 6pm training.  Kanayama Sensei took the lesson.  There were about 10 students taking part.  Angelo and Michiko were also there and they brought an Italian girlfriend of theirs.  She practiced kung-fu for a period of time and this was her first karate lesson.. I think!  It was some baptism of fire for her I'd say!

Started off the lesson with about 150 squats in shiko-dachi.  We then did around 150 lunges... pausing at the bottom point every time without letting the knee touch the floor.  Also did punching up and down the dojo shuffling in shiko-dachi.  And we also did around 100 of the sumo like leg raises which Kagawa Sensei is noted for!  Wrecked..!  We did some basic kihon up and down the dojo.  All blocks, punches and kicks were practiced.  Sweating as usual with a pool of water forming around me... Kanayama Sensei brought me a towel to help wipe the sweat!  I felt more relaxed in my form today and was more conscious about it after last nights session with Inada Sensei.  We finished the lesson with kihon ippon kumite... attack - defend - attack - defend every step.  Everybody seemed pretty tired at the end of class.

Most people left and there were some fresh faces for the 7-8pm class.  Yamaguchi Sensei took this class.  Started with gyaku-zuki from zenkutsu dachi and he quickly moved onto nekoashi-dachi.  Looking at form... pulsing up and down with the back leg and also shifting from kiba dachi into nekoashi-dachi left and right.  Maintaining this theme Yamaguchi Sensei taught Gojushiho - Dai.  I didn't know this kata in full and it was great to be able to learn it.  Found it difficult settling deep in nekoashi-dachi.. My legs were feeling knackered at this stage.  We also did Gojushiho - Sho and Meikyo.   All the time while Yamaguchi Sensei was leading the class, Kanayama Sensei was looking on and correcting all students.  We finished the lesson with some jiyu kumite.  One side attacking and the other side only defending..

Was totally wrecked at the end of the lesson... This is expected at this stage but I think the Sensei's appreciate if you just try hard and try to apply their advice!  Spoke with a few of the students while stretching and then got changed.  As I was leaving the dojo Yamaguchi Sensei called me back and explained that they are almost finished producing some sort of new DVD and he asked me if I would be able to do an English voice-over.  Of course I duly obliged!  He was laughing by saying that speaking in Japanese was no problem but English not so good!  They have it translated already into English already and just need me to speak over it.  It's great to be able to help them out as the value I'm getting from their instruction is immeasurable.

Had to stop in Jonathan's for the "drinks bar" and dinner after training... More research to be done tomorrow and back to Sugamo for training again for another two hours in the evening.  Body feels tired now but thankfully I don't have any injuries and I feel good in myself

Tuesday, 8 February 2011

Tuesday 8th February

Didn't train this morning.  Yesterday, I slept for two hours after morning training in order to recharge my batteries before the two hour evening session.  I need to start back into revising my PhD research and at the moment it would all be a bit too much for me.  I went for a walk early in the morning.  I couldn't help thinking to myself.. "what am I actually doing here.."!  Well... number 1 is that I want to improve my karate by training everyday in arguably the best place on the planet.... number 2 Tokyo provides a fresh environment for me to tie up a few loose ends in my PhD research.  Before I came to Japan I submitted a draft thesis to my research supervisors and I now have about 5 weeks to get back to them again with a revised version.

Felt good going to training at around 5.15pm.  Arrived at the dojo where Inada Sensei and Matsue Sensei were teaching the junior class.  For a long time it was looking as if it would only be myself training from 6-7pm, however a young purple belt turned up at around 5.55pm.  So I was the senior, and it was my first time giving the calls as we lined up for class.  Inada Sensei taught the 6-7pm class.  First of all he brought out two chairs.  Two of us sat on the chairs while he did dips in between.  Then it was my turn.  15 times by 3 rounds so it wasn't too bad!  The young junior did sets of three repetitions.  Inada Sensei then brought out a third chair on which we placed our feet and did more dips. 

Next up we did some mae-geri and I was sweating a bit at this stage.  Inada Sensei was standing beside me and at one stage my standing foot gave underneath me slightly... He went to the front entrance and brought in two wobble boards.  He wanted to help me improve my balance.  Standing with both feet on the wobble board we did mae-geri with feet together.  This was so difficult as I tend to tense up my upper body and don't keep my knee bent enough.  We then did gyaku-zuki from zenkutsu-dachi with each foot on a wobble board.  This was a bit easier and it was becoming very obvious that all I needed to do was relax!! Easier said than done!  We also did some punches from kiba-dachi and some lunges stepping forward on to the wobble board. 

Was feeling the pressure at this stage... sweat was really rolling!  Inada Sensei went to the bathroom and brought myself and the other young lad two cups of water each....  I was so happy and I thanked him... "Arigato Gozaimusta"... but the good feeling inside me was shattered when he said that we weren't to drink them but hold them while we do mae-geri!  So off I went to my sweaty patch of the floor and proceeded to do mae-geri from zenkutsu-dachi.  Inada Sensei was standing beside me and trying to get me to relax my upper body... I was getting into the swing of it and starting to feel relaxed... Some water was splashing out.. concentrating to keep my standing leg bent as well.... and then.... with one count left... BANG!  I was on my arse on the floor with water everywhere!!  I got up as quick as I could... Said "Summimasen" (excuse me... I'm sorry) and Inada Sensei replied "No problem"!  I went straight over and got some towels to dry up the floor.  I was soaked with sweat and water!!  I think we all saw a funny side to it as well though!

We finished the class with Tekki Shodan... There were a couple of things that Inada Sensei pointed out to me.  There has been a recent revision to the kata where one brings the knee up before Uchi-Uke.  This is now done with an almost straight leg... Both ways are okay but both Inada Sensei and Makita Sensei explained that the latter is better!  Also as I step across into Koso-dachi I need to keep my travelling foot perpendicular to the direction of movement...  Great class... Even though I felt like a fool at times.. Bowed out and I did pretty okay with my first rendition of the Dojo Kun!

Had a ten minute break between the 6-7 and 7-8 classes.  There were only two of us for this class as well.  A senior black belt and myself.  Matsue Sensei took the class.  Almost all tube training.  Was good to get into this tonight as I know Kanayama Sensei does a lot of it as well.  We did different combinations.  Mostly punching from kiba dachi and reversing it for the hikite or pullback hand.  Three punches - one count.  30 times and three sets.  We did the same for mae-geri.  Matsue Sensei pointed out that I need to concentrate on my hiki-ashi or pull back of my leg.  We also practiced stepping forward and backward in zenkutsu dachi... shomen and hamni with punches and gedan-barai.  We spent the last ten minutes of class practicing Tekki Nidan.  This was good to do and Matsue Sensei's attention to detail is admirable.

Overall, tonight's training was extremely enjoyable but intense and difficult as usual!  Lots of things to work on but that's why I'm here!  Will spend a few hours tomorrow at my research and will train again tomorrow evening for two hours