Saturday, 29 January 2011


I first visited Japan in the summer of 2009 with a group of karateka led by Scott Langley Sensei.  After that experience I promised myself that I would return in January 2011and stay for a number of months to practice karate fulltime at the JKS Hombu Dojo in Tokyo.  So, over the past year and a half I have worked as hard as I could to complete my PhD research so that I could realistically fulfill this ambition.  Through this blog I will share my thoughts with you and give you an insight into my experiences in Tokyo.



  1. Hi Diarmaid, I have finally signed up as our friend so hopefully you will now get my message. Glad to hear you are doing well I hope you are eating properly with all that training. I do not know how you do it I am exhausted reading your blog not to mind you that have to really concentrate on all of your moves and then have someone correcting you! Be sure and have plenty of time to relax and enjoy your stay. Hopefully your will have your Thesis finishhed soon and then you will have more time to relax. Eoin in Wales this week had an exam today another one tomorrow and Friday home Sat. Erin is two on Saturday imagine! All well at home. Take care of yourself. Aunty Cathy

  2. Hello Aunty Cathy! Thanks for your comment and the info from home. Hope you and Peter are keeping well. Im delighted that you are all keeping in touch with my blog! I never imagined people would take to it like they have. Looking forward to Mam and Dad arriving on Monday. We will Skype you some evening on your landline. Speak soon :)

  3. Hi Diarmaid, Glad your Thesis is nearly finished as I am getting worried about you. You seem to be very stressed you should take a half an hour morning and evening to relax. Lie on the floor on a mat or a rug cover yourself with a rug or blanket as your body could get cold. Take a deep breath and stretch you right leg on the floor and then raise it about two inches then lower it to the floor and let it relax and forget it do the same with the left leg. Then take a deep breath and stretch the right hand and fingers,then make a fist and raise this hand off the floor about two inches then relax that hand and forget it. Do the same with the left hand.Then turn your mind to your Buttox take a deep breath and tighten the muscles in your Buttox then release and forget it. Now take a deep breat into your stomach make it bigger and bigger then blow out and let it relax. Now take a deep breath and fill your rib cage and upper chest then blow out and relax them. Now take you mind to your shoulders take a deep breath and bring the shoulders as if to meet in front tighten and then relax and forget them. Now to your neck, move your head very slowly from side to side, very gentle movements and then back to the middle.Now turn your attention to your facial muscles, move your jaw up and down very gently to loose the tension in your face. Then wrinkle your nose, then forehead and eyes and release and forget them. All your muscles should be relaxed now and your breathing should be sort.Go over your body in your mindseye and check for any tension. Then forget the body and bring your awareness to the mind, let any thoughts that are in there bothering float away in a cloud and watch them going away relax the mind. Now bring yourself to a place you like maybe a beach with the Sun shining on you or a boat on a gentle stream and let your self relax completely for awhile. Hopefully when you have all that your mind and body will be relaxed. Hope this is of help to you as I do this at Yoga and when I get up off the floor after my relaxation I feel very calm and able for anything. I could not believe that you had lost all of that weight but no wonder with all the Karate you are doing. Did you get something small for that little girl that was crying poor creature she must have though you were going to harm her brother!! Eoin had a small operation on his elbow on Tuesday he had to have a fragment of bone taken out that was stopping him straightening his elbow (this is as a result of his fall of the bike last year). He is good the elbow is a bit stiff this evening, he will have to start exercising it tomorrow then the fun will start!! So glad your Mom and Dad are going to you next week it will give you a chance to relax and show them the sites. Take care of your self and be sure and eat three dinners a day otherwise we will not know you when you come home. Aunty CathyXXXXXX

  4. HI Diarmaid, so glad you are OK.I was sick with worry when I heard about the earthquake this AM, It said breaking news on the radio when I was eating my porridge so of course I cocked my ear to hear what was going on. I was not long forgetting about the porridge! Hopefully all of the aftershocks will stop and you will get back to normal again. So much for my relaxation techniques I sent you last night I doubt if you will be able to relax for a couple of days! Take care. Aunty Cathy
